My name is Trinity. I live in London with my two sons and a cat named Bob.
I used to be a scientist, and now I am a novelist. In between those two, I have tried many many things, with various success but always much fun.
My ambition in life is to be happy. Happiness is easiest to find in doing things I love, so I had to identify what is it that I love, so I can do more of that.
So I have come up with a list and some of it I will share with you. Obviously, my kids, my friends and family are at the very top of my list. There are many more things like – being valuable to others and being kind. Here is the rest – not necessarily in the right order.
Turns out it’s a simple list of small life pleasures that I can tick off most days except for the fireplace, as it’s a forbidden joy in London, bar some pubs. (How do they get around it? Who knows..).
You may have noticed that writing is absent from my list. I must admit I don’t actually LOVE writing. Writing is hard, it requires discipline, persistence and humility. What I do love about writing is the emotions I go through – the joy of a well turned out paragraph, the amazement at a character who has come alive on the page, the anxious excitement of letting someone else read my work, the thrill of a good review and the crush of a not so good one.
‘So, where is your book, Trinity?’ you may ask.
Well, let me get to that…